Homestay Accommodation Guide

Homestay & Home Hosted Accommodation in New Zealandby TrueNZ Guides

homestay accommodationNorth Canterbury homestays


Meanderine Farm Stay / Park Stay

North Canterbury rural B&B, Homestay, Farmstay
Prices from $130 to $260 per couple

North Loburn, 30 minutes North of Christchurch & airport

Contact Information:

Phone: 03 312 8862
Mobile (and SMS): 027 266 5557
Address: 13 Chapel Road, North Loburn, RD 2, Rangiora

Hosts: Wouter Stegehuis & Marina Phillips

Directions: We offer free pick-up/drop-off from Christchurch & the airport. View our website for detail direction & map or directions can be emailed

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About Meanderine Farm Stay / Park Stay

Meanderine Farmstay specialise in breeding donkeys, labradoodles (puppies), cows, goats, pigs, ducks, geese, pigeons & rare breed chickens. We also have horses & ponies and have over 500 animals. Guests are welcome to help with hand feeding our many animals. All throughout the year young animals are being born.

Activities for the guests include relaxing, sewing & craft (additional cost), feeding the animals, scooter or bike riding, playing in the playground (for the children), use of golf clubs, target shooting (additional cost), star gazing, & getting involved in our farm projects.

Wouter is Dutch/Kiwi and Marina is Australian. They both live & work on the farm and are renowned for providing great home-cooked meals with produce from the garden and orchard (when in season) for guests. Their daughter Lenie (7 yrs), Son Jan (5 yrs) and youngest Son Arkie (1 yr) are all very social and love to play with guest children.

The many friendly animals and lovely views make this an ideal retreat for a relaxed & interesting holiday away from home. For many children, the stay on our farm has been the highlight of their holiday. While guests are here, you are treated as one of our family.

Accommodation include:
• A private garden cottage with a queen-size double bed, a set of bunks, seating, en-suite and coffee & tea making facilities. Wifi
• In the house we have 2 rooms; 1 with a queen bed and 1 with a double bed. All in-house rooms have a shared guest bathroom & compost. Wifi


Meanderine Farm Stay / Park Stay


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Tel (03) 423 3565
3 Acorn Lane, Rangiora, North Canterbury 7400, New Zealand

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