B&B Guide

Bed and Breakfast Accommodation in New Zealandby TrueNZ Guides

Bed and Breakfast NZWairarapa Bed and breakfasts

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Ica Station Homestead B & B

Other Rural Wairarapa B&B, Homestay, Farmstay
Prices from $155 to $185 per couple

35 minutes East of Masterton, 15 mins to Riversdale Beach

Ica Station Homestead is one of the newest B & B and Wedding Venue properties in the Wairarapa with swimming pool and spa pool facilities. We also have a 3 bedroom self-contained cottage and 1 bedroom 'Whare' available to rent. Here you can relax and recharge your batteries in peace and privacy!

Phone: 06 372 3722
Mobile (and SMS): 0274977840
Address: 268 Ica Road, RD 12, Masterton



Otapawa Backpackers Lodge

Other Rural Wairarapa B&B, Farmstay, Hosted Self-catering
Prices from $100 to $160 per couple

2.5 hours from Wellington. 1 hour from Masterton

A cosy 3 bedroom, self catering house located on a large sheep and beef station in Tiraumea, North Wairarapa. Come for the peace and quiet of this remote area, view seasonal farm activities , or drive to local attractions such as The Waihi Falls, Akitio Beach. or Mt Bruce Wildlife reserve.

Phone: 06 376 7765
Mobile (and SMS): 027 741 0108
Address: 356 Haunui Road, Tiraumea





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© 2012 TrueNZ Guides. Updated Friday 7th June, 2024, v18